How Do You Know How Much Time Final Cut Pro Takes to Upload

How do I export a loftier quality film from Last Cut Pro (or other apps)?

How practise I export a high quality movie from Concluding Cut Pro 7 or FCP Ten?

Click which plan you're using.

FCP X Logo


FCP7 Logo



Sharing is caring

In Final Cut Pro 10, exporting is called sharing. At that place are two ways to get to the share function:

Either go to File > Share or click the Share button:

File > Share

FCP X File Share

Click the Share button

FCP X Share button

Fifty-fifty though they look a little different, your options are identical. Here are the 2 methods we recommend to get the highest quality video:

i. Share Master File

We recommend exporting a Master File for every project yous do. This will give you lot the highest quality file possible.

FCP X Master File

FCP X master file menu

Why would you want a Master File?
The Master File serves every bit a mezzanine file, which is used to archive your project in the highest possible quality. This fashion, y'all can use encoding tools like DV Kitchen to transcode your mezzanine file to whatsoever electric current or future format.

Nether "Settings," check these:

Format: Video and Audio
Video Codec: Source
This will export a file using the same audio and video settings as the source footage, ensuring it's the highest quality. In the case of the video in the screenshot, it's Apple ProRes 422, but depending on what camera you used, the source footage may be a different codec.

FCP X Same as source

Click "Next" and save

FCP X Next Save

two. Share to the spider web

You lot can upload your files directly to Vimeo, YouTube, or Facebook using the Share function.

Select the web destination

FCP X Vimeo

FCP X vimeo

YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook

YouTube has slightly unlike settings options than Vimeo and Facebook, which are noted in the settings instructions. Other than that, they're identical.

Sign in

Once you sign in, FCP X volition post your video direct to YouTube, Facebook, or Vimeo if you are connected to the net.
FCP X youtube sign in

Under Settings, choose these:

Resolution: HD 720p
YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook will permit you to post HD 1080p videos, simply virtually people do not have fast plenty net to stream 1080p, peculiarly if they're watching on mobile devices using data plans, so HD 720p is a happy medium.

Compression: Better quality
Remember that YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook will compress your video again, so you Always want your Pinch setting to be Better quality.

Viewable by: "Private" or "Unlisted" for YouTube, "Merely Me" for Vimeo or Facebook
By keeping your video individual, you lot can picket the video outset and make sure it looks great before sending it out into the world.

FCP X youtube settings

Once you're satisfied with the quality of your video, you can change your viewing and privacy settings following these instructions:

1. Go to your Video Manager
ii. Notice the video you'd like to change, then click the Edit button
iii. In the "Privacy Settings" driblet-downward bill of fare, select Public, Unlisted, or, Private
iv. Click Salvage changes

1. Go to your photo albums and click Videos
2. Click the video you want to suit
3. Click the audition selector in the pinnacle right
4. Choose an audience for your video

1. Go to your video on Vimeo and click Settings below the video role player
2. Go to the Privacy tab
three. Brand changes and press Save

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Allow'Due south Practise THIS!


In Final Cut Pro 7, there are 3 means to export a high quality picture.

METHOD #i. Reference movie

If you want to consign a temporary movie as quickly equally possible, export a reference movie.

1. File > Export > Quicktime Movie

2. UNcheck "Make Self-Contained"


  • Fastest consign
  • The file size is small – it but contains audio and pointers to your video files and render files, no actual video


  • The exported file is fragile, and not portable. If any of the referenced video files (including render files) are moved, renamed or deleted, or if the reference movie is moved to a different computer, the reference movie is broken and will not open. This ways you should employ the reference film right away, for case, to import into DV Kitchen to publish on the web.
  • This method is definitely useless as an archival motion picture to save for time to come apply.
  • This method exports in the format of your sequence. If your sequence is in a depression quality codec, like DV or HDV format, the quality of text, graphics and animations will be bad, and then use some other method.

Questions? Ask in the Final Cut 7 forum.

METHOD #two. Native format movie

If you desire an exported motion picture that is permanent and self-contained, consign a native format pic. (Native means, in the native codec of your sequence.)

one. File > Consign > Quicktime Movie

2. Make sure "Make Self-Contained" is checked


  • If you've rendered your sequence, this is faster than options beneath
  • If your sequence is in a loftier quality format, like Pro Res, or Uncompressed, this export method will upshot in a high quality moving-picture show you lot can archive, and encode to many different formats later depending on what you need.


  • This method exports in the format of your sequence. If your sequence is in a depression quality codec, like DV or HDV format, the quality of text, graphics and animations will be bad, so utilise another method.

METHOD #iii. web-friendly MP4

This method volition export a high quality, very compatible movie that will play on most any screen- desktop, mobile, smart Tv, OTT box, etc.

Hither are the steps:


In Final Cut Pro, become to File > Consign Using Quicktime Conversion

In iMovie, go to Share > Consign Using Quicktime

With other apps, await for something called "Export Quicktime Motion picture" or like


Choose "Movie to MPEG-four" from the "Export" menu

Screenshot 2014-07-21 18.48.59 copy


Click the "Options" button:

Screenshot 2014-07-21 18.48.59


Ready the video options like this to export a 720p movie at about 1000 kbps (for video). (Obviously, if you want to export a different resolution, cull it here. Here'southward some info on choosing a bitrate.

Screenshot 2014-07-21 19.13.11


Click the "Video Options…" button, and set it up like this:

Screenshot 2014-07-21 18.50.20

("Baseline" ways the movie volition play on older Android devices. If you don't care, gear up information technology to "Main" and get a little better quality.)


Click "Audio", and set it up like this: (Cull 128 kbps for vocalisation simply, 256 kbps for high quality sound)

Screenshot 2014-07-21 18.50.50

That's it!

Click OK and OK and your movie volition beginning encoding and exporting. Unfortunately you lot will take to fix this upwards each time, as at that place is no way to save a preset.

While your moving-picture show is exporting, bank check out the free 20 solar day trial of DV Kitchen!


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